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In Summer 2022, I studied abroad in Valencia, Spain for six weeks. While I was in Europe, I also was fortunate enough to visit various places nearby, including Toledo, Barcelona, Segovia, Madrid, Segovia and Ibiza! 


¿Por qué españa?

My love for and desire to learn Spanish sparked during middle school when I was first exposed to Spanish classes as well as my best friend’s mother, who I was only able to communicate with by saying, “Si, yo tengo hambre mami.”


Ever since then, I had taken Spanish college-level courses, worked at an Immigration Law Firm, and luckily obtained Spanish-speaking roommates. Eventually, after hours and hours of relying on Duolingo, I soon realized that the best way to truly become grammatically fluent in Spanish is to be forced to utilize it daily and fully immerse oneself within the language to acquire an authentic pronunciation and expose yourself to Spain’s dialect.



Essentially, my efforts came to fruition upon arrival in España. During my program, I toured ample museums, indulged in various tapas restaurants, took paella cooking classes, and took advantage of la playa!


The key experience and lesson that I took away from this amazing experience was my ability to analyze and value the differences between Spain and the United States.


For instance, the cost of food in Spain was lower and the foods were much less heavy in fat and oil than meals in the U.S. Also, the usage of air conditioning and personal cars is not as common as it is in the States. Europe values safe and effective means of public transportation. It prioritizes their citizens’ family time, personhood, and overall work-life balance, through the enforcement of siestas, which is a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal.


These realizations coupled together allowed me to change my perspective on the 9-5 grind culture and unhealthy eating habits that the U.S. has ingrained in our brains.


Overall, this experience has enabled me to outline my non-negotiables for my future; it taught me that I wholeheartedly value family, marriage, motherhood, work-life balance, and health over anything, which is essential in a constantly evolving and demanding society.

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